You could implement the LineRank algorithm, which was proposed as a
scalable substitute for betweeness centrality:


On 28.10.2013 17:09, Jyoti Yadav wrote:
> Thanks Sebastian for your reply.
> If we want to implement Betweenness Centrality algo then what should we do?
> Regards
> Jyoti
> On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 6:10 PM, Sebastian Schelter <> wrote:
>> Hi Jyoti,
>> All-Pairs-Shortest-Path is a problem with a solution quadratic in the
>> number of vertices of the input graph. For a reasonably large graph, you
>> cannot even store the result.
>> For most algorithms that map well to systems like Giraph the amount of
>> messages per iteration is linear in the number of edges of the graph and
>> the number of iterations necessary is small by default or bound by the
>> diameter of the graph.
>> --sebastian
>> On 28.10.2013 05:09, Jyoti Yadav wrote:
>>> Hi..
>>> one doubt is disturbing me..Would anyone suggest an idea?
>>> Is GIRAPH is designed for solving problems like AllPairShortestPath ?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Jyoti

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