Hi Pascal,

I've experienced this error. You need to make sure your Giraph is being
built and run using the same version of Java. Use 'which java' and 'which
javac' to see which ones your system is using.

To make CDH 4.5.0 use Java 7, I had to install Java 7, set it as system
default using 'alterntaives --config java', unset the JAVA_HOME environment
variable, and add the correct Java binary directory into the path in my
.bashrc. See this stackoverflow question:

Once 'which java' and 'which javac' were pointing to the correct java
install, it worked.


On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 6:56 AM, Pascal Jäger <pas...@pascaljaeger.de>wrote:

>  Hi all,
>  I am trying to run Giraph on an Cloudera Cluster.
> I saw there is a maven profile hadoop_cdh4.1.2.
> I installed that version of cdh on my cluster and installed the latest
> java 7 version.
> I build giraph with   mv clean package -Phadoop_cdh4.1.2 -DskipTests
> on one of the nodes.
> But when running it I get a java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError:
> org/apache/giraph/GiraphRunner : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
>  I already lost quiet some time on it, so I appreciate any tip on what to
> do
> What version of giraph do I need to checkout?
> What Java version do I need?
> What version of cloudera works?
>  Regards
>  Pascal

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