Thanks! Let me follow the steps as given in the link.
Also, does this mean that Giraph doesn't come in compiled form that can be
directly downloaded and must be compiled in the local system before use?
Warm regards

On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 11:08 PM, Agrta Rawat <> wrote:

> Hi Arko,
> You first need to have java, hadoop and maven 3 or higher installed. Then,
> compile or install mvn. After you will get a 
> giraph-<version>-SNAPSHOT-for-hadoop-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar
> inside GIRAPH_HOME/giraph-core/target folder. Use this jar file. Take a
> look at following link.
> On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 6:44 AM, Arko Provo Mukherjee <
>> wrote:
>> Hello Giraph Gurus,
>> I am interested in learning how to learn code custom graph algorithms
>> using Giraph.
>> I have some experience using MapReduce and have coded Graph Algorithms on
>> top of Hadoop. Now I want to learn how to do the same for Pregel (using
>> Giraph).
>> I have downloaded giraph-1.0.0 but didn't find in JAR files as you do in
>> Hadoop Downloads that you can compile against.
>> So I wanted to understand how to compile a giraph program.
>> Also pointing out to some trivial example code or elementary skeleton
>> code would really help.
>> Thanks a lot in advance! Appreciate all your help!
>> Warm regards
>>  Arko

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