Can anybody help me understand what underlying issue might be causing 
these request re-issues a handful of times during graph execution? It 
appears to be recovering, however there is a significant time delay 
waiting for the request to time out, so I would rather understand the root 
cause and fix it. The part that is curious to me is that all of the logged 
fields (connected, future done, success, cause) seem to indicate that 
everything worked fine.

2014-03-18 15:47:42,925 WARN org.apache.giraph.comm.netty.NettyClient: 
checkRequestsForProblems: Problem with request id (destTask=148,reqId=24) 
connected = true, future done = true, success = true, cause = null, 
elapsed time = 602583, destination = host/ 
(reqId=24,destAddr=host:30148,elapsedNanos=602583065000,started=Tue Mar 18 
15:37:40 EDT 2014,writeDone=true,writeSuccess=true)
2014-03-18 15:47:42,925 INFO org.apache.giraph.comm.netty.NettyClient: 
checkRequestsForProblems: Re-issuing request 
(reqId=24,destAddr=host:30148,elapsedNanos=27000,started=Tue Mar 18 
15:47:42 EDT 2014)
2014-03-18 15:47:42,929 INFO 
messageReceived: Already completed request (taskId = 148, requestId = 24)

As a bit of background, I'm running with 432 cores, 216 workers, 2 
input/compute threads, and 216 partitions, with data is being loaded using 
both a vertex and edge input format.

Craig M.

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