Hi folks..

While implementing my algorithm , I am taking vertex value as string..

following is the sample  input format...

[0,"hello world",[[1,1],[3,3]]]

 Suppose above is the input file given..

For this I implemented vertex value class..

But some error is thrown  at some point.

* Below is the code for Vertex value writable class..*

package org.apache.giraph.examples.utils;
import java.io.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable;

public class StringValueWritable implements Writable {

  String s;
  public StringValueWritable()
        s=new String();

  public StringValueWritable(String s1)
    { s=new String();


public String get_string() { return s; }

  public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException
    s=new String();
 *   s=in.readLine();*
  public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException

  public String toString()
      return "vertex value is  "+s+"\n";

In the highlighted part some error is shown in log files..

Please correct me ,where i went wrong..


Best Regards


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