Btw, the jobs we run typically run for hours, so total time is mostly just sum 
of input + supersteps for us, since a very little extra time is negligible. 
However, I see your job itself is so small, so to be more accuratetotal time = 
time between start of your job (once all machines were allocated) and the end 
of your job (when u can see in logs that all workers are done with the last 

Subject: RE: input superstep of giraph.
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 23:58:53 +0530

Please take a look at GIRAPH-838Note that there is a little window between end 
of one superstep & start of the other. So, this 120 s can be accounted for 
that. But what I meant was total time is as good as sum of input + other 
supersteps (though only approximately because of this slight extra time)

Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 16:28:48 +0100
Subject: Re: input superstep of giraph.

Hi Pavan, 
I might have misunderstood your explanation. But from the giraph timers I 
received, Total does not seem to be:

 sum of input time + sum of time in all supersteps

For example the following timers were outputted after I ran the 
ConnectedComponents algorithm: 

        Giraph Timers
                Initialize (ms)=424             Input superstep (ms)=1457       
        Setup (ms)=85
                Shutdown (ms)=11666             Superstep 0 
ConnectedComponentsComputation (ms)=903             Superstep 1 
ConnectedComponentsComputation (ms)=4565
                Superstep 10 ConnectedComponentsComputation (ms)=475            
Superstep 11 ConnectedComponentsComputation (ms)=454
                Superstep 12 ConnectedComponentsComputation (ms)=342            
Superstep 2 ConnectedComponentsComputation (ms)=3094
                Superstep 3 ConnectedComponentsComputation (ms)=1399            
Superstep 4 ConnectedComponentsComputation (ms)=783
                Superstep 5 ConnectedComponentsComputation (ms)=591             
Superstep 6 ConnectedComponentsComputation (ms)=458
                Superstep 7 ConnectedComponentsComputation (ms)=458             
Superstep 8 ConnectedComponentsComputation (ms)=483             Superstep 9 
ConnectedComponentsComputation (ms)=458
                Total (ms)=27675
Input superstep = sum of input time? 
Input superstep + sum of supersteps = 1457 + 14463                              
                         = 15920

and the total is: 27675
there is still 11755 ms unaccounted for? 
Or have I miss understood what sum of input time should be? 

Kind regards, 


On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 3:52 PM, ghufran malik <> wrote:

Thank you for the explanation :) 
It was confusing when reading it, some of the timers I can intuitively 
understand, however I think it would be beneficial if these explanations were 
added to the API docs, then if anyone else is confused they can look up the 
meanings there.


On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 3:25 PM, Pavan Kumar A <> wrote:

I wrote the Initialize counter :) Please tell me if the name seems confusing
So,Initialize = the time spent by job waiting for resources. In a shared pool 
the job you launch may not get all the machines needed to start the job. So for 
instance you want to run a job with 200 workers, giraph does not start until 
all the workers have are allocated & register with the master.

Setup = once you have all the machines allocated, how much time it takes before 
starting to read input
Shutdown = once you have written your output howmuch time it takes to stop 
verify that everything is done & shutdown resources & notify user - for 
instance wait for all network connections to close, all threads to join, etc.

Total = sum of input time + sum of time in all superstepsi.e., actual time 
taken to run by your application after it got all the resources (does not 
include time waiting to get resources which is initialize or shutdown time)

Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 13:28:47 +0100
Subject: Re: input superstep of giraph.


Could you also explain what the following timers correspond to as well please: 

Giraph Timers           Initialize (ms)=775

                                Setup (ms)=105
                Shutdown (ms)=12537

                Total (ms)=27075                


On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 9:10 PM, Pavan Kumar A <> wrote:

Input consists of > reading the input (vertices and/or edges as provided) into 
memory on individual workers> assigning vertices to partitions and partitions 
to workers

> moving all partitions (i.e., vertices & their out-edges) to a worker (which 
> owns the partition)> doing some bookkeeping of internal data-structures to be 
> used during computation

Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 10:06:03 -0500

Subject: input superstep of giraph.

  From the screen output of a successful giraph program run, what does the 
following line mean?

Input superstep (ms)=22884

 Does it mean the time used to load the input graph into memory? Thanks.

  Best Regards,




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