
I try to run on a small cluster (4 machines: 1 Master node, 1 
SecondaryNameNode, 2 DataNodes ) the ShortestPath example
using giraph 1.1.0 but I get the following error in log file:

ERROR org.apache.giraph.master.BspServiceMaster:
superstepChosenWorkerAlive: Missing chosen worker
Worker(hostname=datanode2, MRtaskID=1, port=30001) on superstep 1
2014-07-14 21:50:55,106 INFO org.apache.giraph.master.MasterThread:
masterThread: Coordination of superstep 1 took 0.348 seconds ended with
state WORKER_FAILURE and is now on superstep 1
2014-07-14 21:50:55,110 ERROR org.apache.giraph.master.MasterThread:
masterThread: Master algorithm failed with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
         at org.apache.giraph.master.MasterThread.run(MasterThread.java:148)
2014-07-14 21:50:55,114 FATAL org.apache.giraph.graph.GraphMapper:
uncaughtException: OverrideExceptionHandler on thread
org.apache.giraph.master.MasterThread, msg =
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1, exiting...
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
         at org.apache.giraph.master.MasterThread.run(MasterThread.java:194)
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
         at org.apache.giraph.master.MasterThread.run(MasterThread.java:148)
2014-07-14 21:50:55,116 INFO org.apache.giraph.zk.ZooKeeperManager: run:
Shutdown hook started.
2014-07-14 21:50:55,116 WARN org.apache.giraph.zk.ZooKeeperManager:
onlineZooKeeperServers: Forced a shutdown hook kill of the ZooKeeper
2014-07-14 21:50:55,116 INFO org.apache.giraph.zk.ZooKeeperManager:
onlineZooKeeperServers: ZooKeeper process exited with 1 (note that 143
typically means killed).

This means that an error has happened on some other node. But the error I see on the other DataNode is only that it cannot connect to the zookeeper.

What might be actually the cause and the solution for this error?


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