I am able to successfully build hadoop_yarn profile for running Giraph 1.1.
I am also able to test run Connected Components on a small dataset.
However, I am seeing 2 issues while running on a bigger dataset with 400 

  1.  I am unable to use out of Core Graph option. It errors out saying that it 
cannot read INIT partition. (Sorry I don’t have the log currently but I will 
share after I run that again).
I am expecting that if the out of Core option is fixed, I should be able to run 
the workflow with less mappers.
  2.  In order to run the workflow anyhow, I removed the out of Core option and 
adjusted the heap size. This also runs with smaller dataset but fails with huge 
Worker logs are mostly empty. Non-empty logs end like this:
mapred.task.partition is deprecated. Instead, use mapreduce.task.partition
[STATUS: task-374] setup: Beginning worker setup. setup: Log level remains at 
[STATUS: task-374] setup: Initializing Zookeeper services.
mapred.job.id is deprecated.
Instead, use mapreduce.job.id job.local.dir is deprecated.
Instead, use mapreduce.job.local.dir
[STATUS: task-374] setup: Setting up Zookeeper manager.
createCandidateStamp: Made the directory 
createCandidateStamp: Made the directory 
createCandidateStamp: Creating my filestamp 
getZooKeeperServerList: For task 374, got file 'null' (polling period is 3000)

Master log has log statements for launching the container, opening proxy and 
processing event like this:
Opening proxy : gsta31118.tan.ygrid.yahoo.com:8041
Processing Event EventType: QUERY_CONTAINER for Container 

I am not using SASL authentication.
Any idea what might be wrong?


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