
1) What exact functionality are you looking for? There isn't native Giraph
support per se for time-evolving graphs in that sense (as far as I'm aware)
but you should be able to simulate it in some fashion.

2) Check out AbstractComputation
 When you want to call methods for adding/removing edges/vertices other
than the Vertex you're calling from, you'll be calling them from here. If
you look at the actual code, that leads you into the comm package with
and into NettyWorkerClientRequestProcessor
things are actually implemented.

Hope that helps,

On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 7:29 PM, Khaled Ammar <>

> Hi all,
> I understand that Pregel supports graph mutations when vertices issue
> requests to make changes in the graph topology (add/remove vertex/edge). I
> have two questions here:
> 1- Does the same concept applies to supporting dynamic graphs? (Graphs
> that change over time where the add/remove vertex/edge is read from a file
> instead of being generated by the vertex?)
> 2- Which class/function handles graph mutations in the source code?
> --
> Thanks,
> -Khaled

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