Hello Tripti,

I bumped into this mail, I am experiencing out-of-memory errors on my small 
and, as out-of-core graph does not seem to work on giraph 1.1-SNAPSHOT, I was 
wondering if you had any jira / patched already posted  to help solve this 
issue ? 

Thanks a lot


Olivier Varène
Big Data Referent
Orange - DSI France/Digital Factory
+33 4 97 46 29 94

Le 10 oct. 2014 à 20:15, Tripti Singh <tri...@yahoo-inc.com> a écrit :

> Hi Matthew,
> I would have been thrilled to give you numbers on this one but for me the 
> Application is not scaling without the out-of-core option( which isn't 
> working the way it was in previous version)
> I'm still figuring it out and can get back once it's resolved. I have patched 
> a few things and will share them for people who might face similar issue. If 
> u have a fix for scalability, do let me know
> Thanks,
> Tripti 
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 06-Oct-2014, at 9:22 pm, "Matthew Cornell" <m...@matthewcornell.org> 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Folks. I don't think I paid enough attention to YARN vs. MR1 when I
>> built Giraph 1.0.0 for our system. How much better is Giraph on YARN?
>> Thank you.
>> -- 
>> Matthew Cornell | m...@matthewcornell.org


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