Well...the instructions didn't work out as expected.

I created a new docker version of cn1 (the other was created w/ lxd/lxc)
using docker's ubuntu:20.04 image.  I used `docker run -it --name cn1 --net
host -p 3389:3389 ubuntu:20.04 /bin/bash`.  Then I ran the
guacamole/guacamole image the same way.

I could connect to cn1 w/ Remmina, after shell-ing into cn1 w/ docker and
install xrdp etc.  Unfortunately, it only gave me a blank screen - not even
a shell prompt.

I could shell into the guac container w/ Docker, but couldn't otherwise
access it.  I tried linking guacd to guacamole, but Docker griped at me
about not being able to link containers if they used the host's network.

After that, I tried running the automagic script from boschkundendienst's
github repo.  It seems to work, inasmuch as the guac login page shows up,
and I can log in.  No luck w/ making a connection, though.  I tried a
simple ssh connection to cn1 (it was created w/ port 22 mapped to 52022).
It didn't work.

 I'm googling around for next steps.


On Tuesday, August 17, 2021, Matthew Lawson <m3.lawson...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Use it as much as you like 🙃
> I’ll try out your method tonight or tomorrow.
> I appreciate the help.
> ~ML
> On Aug 16, 2021, 5:20 PM -0400, Ivanmarcus <ivanmar...@yahoo.com.invalid>,
> wrote:
> Matthew,
> Great analogy, do you mind if I pinch it? I could use something like
> that a lot! ;-)
> To simply try what you've got, on the same host IP, here's a suggestion
> from a terminal on your host machine:
> docker run -it -h cn1 --net host -p 3389:3389 cn1 /bin/bash
> This should start up the cn1 container with the same IP address as your
> host, expose 3389 internal to 3389 external, and drop you in a bash
> shell on that container. Once you're happy with that just ctrl-p ctrl-q
> to exit, but leave the container running.
> I've assumed the name 'cn1' for your container here, but you can
> obviously use whatever is correct. The -h parameter will name the
> running container 'cn1' too, otherwise it'll just give you a weird name
> (which is fine, you'd just need to use docker ps to find it!).
> Then:
> docker run -it -h guacamole --net host -p 8080:8080 guacamole /bin/bash
> Same as with cn1, except this'll expose internal port 8080 to external
> port 8080.
> Again, once running & checked you can just ctrl-p ctrl-q to exit.
> From there you should now be able to access both containers on their
> respective ports. First using Remmina to cn1 (host IP address, port
> 3389) then, assuming cn1 is working, browse to host IP address port 8080
> and see if you get Guacamole, the rest should follow from there.
> Using the parameters I've given means you should later be able to
> connect in to the containers from a terminal using something like:
> docker container exec -it [container name] /bin/bash
> Then you can do/check whatever you need and just type 'exit' whenever
> you're finished to be dropped back to the host terminal *without*
> closing the container.
> Note I've *not* tried this and I could be leading you up a long and
> winding path so perhaps asking some real girls and boys on those forums
> is advisable - still no harm in trying this I guess...
> On 17/08/21 3:04 am, Matthew Lawson wrote:
> You may not be a Docker expert, but you know more than me about it.
> What I know about docker and networking can be summed up as follows:
> user:~$ cat ~/network-and-docker-knowledge.txt
> cat: /home/user/network-and-docker-knowledge.txt: No such file or
> directory
> user:~$
> I'll give your suggestion a try once I find some resources to explain
> how I might do it.
> In the meantime, I think I'll cross-post this question on the Docker and
> LXC/LXC forums.
> ~ML
> On Monday, August 16, 2021, Ivanmarcus <ivanmar...@yahoo.com.invalid>
> wrote:
> Great, that's made it a bit easier to fault-find.
> Unfortunately I'm not a Docker expert, and have never had anything
> to do with LXD, so I'd treat anything I say from here with suspicion!
> In the interests of keeping things simple, I've tended to try and
> keep any Docker containers as standalone instances on the same
> common subnet as I might normally. This may not be the strictly
> approved way, but it works for me.
> To that end I would restart the Guacamole and cn1 Docker instances
> with their own ip address on your normal subnet (eg. 192.168.1.xxx).
> This would avoid the need to go through any routing drama and should
> mean that everything, including your host machine, can see
> everything else.
> I've done this in the past either via the cli, or alternatively with
> a docker-compose file uisng macvlan.
> Alternatively you could also use the host option and just assign
> different ports as you need to the Docker instances and keep them
> all on the same IP address. For instance cn1 may only need port 3389
> accessible, and Guacamole port 8080 which means both can be on the
> (same) host IP. It's also possible to alias the ports too, but
> probably no need here.
> With luck someone with a lot more clues than me will come along
> shortly and suggest a better way, but in the meantime you could give
> this a try as I've had good success with this methodology.
> On 16/08/21 1:20 pm, Matthew Lawson wrote:
> Remmina connected to cn1 right away.
> Does the routing path look something like this:
> Guac on Docker ==> Docker Bridge ==> Host Network ==> LXD Bridge
> ==> cn1?
> ~ML
> On Aug 15, 2021, 8:24 PM -0400, Ivanmarcus
> <ivanmar...@yahoo.com.invalid>, wrote:
> Matthew,
> There could be a few reasons for this issue, but in
> fault-finding I
> guess I'd start with first trying a direct RDP connection to
> cn1 (ie.
> not via Guacamole).
> Not sure if you're using a Linux or Win machine, but I find
> Remmina is a
> good Linux tool for testing RDP and VNC connections.
> That should at least give you an idea if cn1 is performing
> as it should,
> and therefore potentially narrow down where you need to look
> for the
> problem. All that said, given you mention the Docker
> containers are
> using their default IP range, I do wonder if there's simply
> a routing
> issue...
> On 16/08/21 12:48 am, Matthew Lawson wrote:
> I could use some pointers (advice/resources) about
> establishing an RDP
> connection between Guacamole set up with Docker
> containers and a Linux
> container running ubuntu 20.04.
> Since Brian Mullan's CIAB setup inspired this endeavor,
> the Linux
> container is named 'cn1'.
> When I try to connect to cn1, I receive an error message
> telling me that
> cn1 is taking too long to respond.
> cn1 has xrdp installed, but no Guac elements.
> The host for the containers is running Ubuntu 20.04
> (newly-installed).
> The Docker containers have their own network
> (172.xxx....), which is
> visible to the host. The LXC's ip address is 10.xxx...,
> also visible to
> the host.
> I can ping between all three elements: host to
> containers, Docker to
> cn1, cn1 to host, etc.
> In Guac's 'Connections' setup, I used cn1's
> ip address and port 3389.
> No joy when I try to connect though.
> Thoughts anyone?  References to tutorials?  Has this
> question already
> been answered on the mailing list?
> ~ML
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