You should also look at ProcfsBasedProcessTree if you want to know how exactly 
the memory usage is being calculated.


From: Kevin
Reply-To: "<>"
Date: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at 6:22 PM
To: "<>"
Subject: Re: Using YARN with native applications

Varun, thank you for helping me understand this. You pointed out a couple of 
new things to me. I finally found that monitoring thread in the code 
( I can now see and gain a better understanding of 
YARN checks on a container's resources.

On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 1:23 AM Varun Vasudev 
<<>> wrote:
YARN should kill the container. I’m not sure what JVM you’re referring to, but 
the NodeManager writes and then spawns a shell script that will invoke your 
shell script which in turn(presumably) will invoke your C++ application. A 
monitoring thread then looks at the memory usage of the process tree and 
compares it to the limits for the container.


From: Kevin
Reply-To: "<>"
Date: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 7:22 AM
To: "<>"
Subject: Re: Using YARN with native applications

Thanks for the reply, Varun. So if I use the DefaultContainerExecutor and run a 
C++ application via a shell script inside a container whose virtual memory 
limit is, for example, 2 GB, and that application does a malloc for 3 GB, YARN 
will kill the container? I always just thought that YARN kept its eye on the 
JVM it spins up for the container (under the DefaultContainerExecutor).


On Mon, May 25, 2015 at 4:17 AM, Varun Vasudev 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Kevin,

By default, the NodeManager monitors physical and virtual memory usage of 
containers. Containers that exceed either limit are killed. Admins can disable 
the checks by setting yarn.nodemanager.pmem-check-enabled and/or 
yarn.nodemanager.vmem-check-enabled to false. The virtual memory limit for a 
container is determined using the config variable 
yarn.nodemanager.vmem-pmem-ratio(default value is 2.1).

In case of vcores -

  1.  If you’re using Cgroups under LinuxContainerExecutor, by default, if 
there is spare CPU available on the node, your container will be allowed to use 
it. Admins can restrict containers to use only the CPU allocated to them by 
setting yarn.nodemanager.linux-container-executor.cgroups.strict-resource-usage 
to true. This setting is only applicable when using Cgroups under 
  2.   If you aren’t using Cgroups under LinuxContainerExecutor, there is no 
limiting of the amount of the CPU that containers can use.


From: Kevin
Reply-To: "<>"
Date: Friday, May 22, 2015 at 3:30 AM
To: "<>"
Subject: Using YARN with native applications


I have been using the distributed shell application and Oozie to run native C++ 
applications in the cluster. Is YARN able to see the resources these native 
applications use. For example, if I use Oozie's shell action, the NodeManager 
hosts the mapper container and allocates a certain amount of memory and vcores 
(as configured). What happens if my C++ application uses more memory or vcores 
than the NodeManager allocated?

I was looking in the Hadoop code and I couldn't find my way to answer. 
Although, it seems the LinuxContainerExecutor may be the answer to my question 
since it uses cgroups.

I'm interested to know how YARN reacts to non-Java applications running inside 
of it.


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