On 5/15/12 2:24 AM, Harsh J wrote:
> HBase 0.92 has table-level security (among other goodies). Check out
> this slide on what all it includes:
> http://www.slideshare.net/ghelmling/new-hbase-features-coprocessors-and-security
> There was also a good blog post earlier on how to set it up, but am
> currently unable to locate it. I'll post back in case I find an
> archive (or someone else may).
> P.s. If you're making it to HBaseCon, you may not wanna miss
> http://www.hbasecon.com/sessions/hbase-security-for-the-enterprise/
> which also includes a tutorial (from Andrew).
Hi Harsh J and Rita,

You might be interested in a couple of blog posts from the old HBase
blog (hbaseblog.com). The site is gone but you can still see them on the
Internet Archive:




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