
Just because FB does something doesn't mean its necessarily a good idea for 
others to do the same.  FB designs specifically for their needs and their use 
cases may not match those of others. 

To your point though, I agree that Ted's number of 3 is more of a rule of thumb 
and not a hard and fast number. I think that the wording in that section should 
be changed.  (I may take a stab at it later today...) 

In our HBase course, I teach an example of an Order entry system. (Order, Pick, 
Ship, Invoice) There are 4 column families in that example. To your point, in 
the use cases, the CFs are usually used in an atomic fashion. When I do a pick 
slip, I don't need to constantly reference the order, except when I initially 
create the Pick Slip(s). 

The larger question in terms of design, should you use a CF to segment your 
data if you're constantly pulling data from both CFs in your main use case, or 
should they be part of the same table? 


On Apr 7, 2013, at 5:45 PM, Stack <> wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Ted Yu <> wrote:
>> From :
>> HBase currently does not do well with anything above two or three column
>> families so keep the number of column families in your schema low.
> We should add more to that section.  FB run w/ ~15 and purportedly it works
> with appropriate write and query pattern.
> St.Ack

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