Hello, Luca.

Can you attach some simple reproducer or code piece that cause exception?

В Пт, 23/03/2018 в 14:31 +0100, Rosellini, Luca пишет:
> Hi all,
> I am using Apache Ignite 2.4 and I've successfully saved a Spark Dataframe as 
> a SQL table in the Ignite caching layer.
> I am trying to access the data from an external Java program (completely 
> unrelated to the Spark Job that produced and saved the table) using the Cache 
> API, as if it were a key/value store.
> The table, called 'PERSON', has a primary key field called UUID and maps to 
> an Ignite cache called SQL_PUBLIC_PERSON.
> Using the Ignite Cache API I am able to check that that a specific entry 
> exists in the cache calling:
> cache.containsKey(...)
> By the way, If I try to get the value calling cache.get(...) for a specific 
> key I get a ClassNotFoundException (full stacktrace is attached).
> Now, I guess Ignite dinamically generated a schema bean for my DataFrame when 
> saving the DataFrame itself in Spark. 
> Since the generated bean class name also seems to be generated whith some 
> internal rule (in this example it's 
> 'SQL_PUBLIC_PERSON_da18b6a2_8b41_4c34_9451_6fd9ace8e73d') I am not sure if 
> this usage pattern does make sense at all.
> I am very new to Apache Ignite so I'd like to apologize if this is a silly 
> question, but I am not able to find any clue in the official documentation.
> Thanks,
> Luca

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