Ignition.start() doesn’t start a compute job, it starts a new node (a server 
node by default). If you want t create a client node, you can do that in the 
configuration file or by adding "Ignition.setClientMode(true)” before you start 
the node. Then you can run a compute job:
Ignite ignite = Ignition.start("config.xml");

        () -> System.out.println("Hello from a server")

> On 18 May 2020, at 08:49, nithin91 
> <nithinbharadwaj.govindar...@franklintempleton.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I have initially two nodes,
> But when i am initiating the compute job(IgniteCompute compute =
> ignite.compute()) from server i.e Ignite ignite=Ignition.star("Server.xml")
> it is creating a new server node every time and the node is getting
> disconnected once the job is done. But the problem with this behaviour, when
> node joins data will be rebalanced so that data is evenly distributed across
> nodes but when the job completes then this node goes down which means  data
> on this node is lost.
> This  is the log i when i start  a compute job using
> ignite=Ignition.star("Server.xml") 
> Topology snapshot [ver=3, locNode=92d08291, servers=3, clients=0,
> state=ACTIVE, CPUs=8, offheap=13.0GB, heap=11.0GB]
> [13:10:21]   ^-- Baseline [id=0, size=2, online=2, offline=0]
> When the job completes execution, i get below
> Ignite node stopped OK 
> Please let me know whether my understanding is correct.
> --
> Sent from: http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/

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