First link says you can do incremental based on "range of segments". Is it
a timestamp/date range that we define during cube creation?
ANd since data is stored in hbase will kylin just overwrite new data with
new one with same rowkeys?


On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 1:26 PM, Alberto Ramón <>

> Q1- Check this previous mailList about late data:
> You only will need recalculate segments involved
> Q2- Check Shardin (
>   Partition by time column is not reoomended (It Will create hotspot in
> HBase)
> On 11 May 2017 at 19:43, Nirav Patel <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Correct me if I am wrong but currently you can not update existing kylin
>> cube without refreshing entire cube. Does it mean if I am pulling new data
>> from hive based on lets say customerId, Timestamp for which I already built
>> cube before I have to rebuild entire cube from scratch? Or can I say
>> refresh between startTime and endTime which will update cube data for that
>> timeframe only.
>> Also Hive data can be partitioned by any keys(columns) not just
>> timestamp. so why not allow kylin cube updates based on any arbitrary
>> partition strategy that user have defined on their hive table?
>> e.g. update part of the cube based on timestamp, customerid, batchid etc.
>> Thanks,
>> Nirav
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