On my previous email please excuse my confusing Person, the example should
clearly be like this :


*@NodeEntity public class Content {}*
* *

*@NodeEntity public class ExtContent extends Content {}*

public class Person  {

    @RelatedToVia(elementClass = Person.class, type = "LIKES", direction =
    private Set<Person> likedPersons;
    public Set<Person> getLikedPersons() {return likedPersons;}

    @RelatedToVia(elementClass = Content.class, type = "LIKES", direction =
    private Set<Content> likedContent;
    public Set<Content> getLikedContent() { return likedContent; }

*I am attaching the code, if someone can github it cause my eclipse plugin
refuses to do so :-(*
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 12:54 AM, Agelos Pikoulas <agelos.pikou...@gmail.com
> wrote:

>  Hi to all graphistas,
> I have two issues, a major and a minor :
> 1)      1) Starting with SDG 1.0/1.1, I have been developing a MetaModel
> (and a generator & hopefully later a MetaMetaModel:) and I have been facing
> walls in regards to @NodeEntity / NodeBacked classes inheritance and their
> related @RelatedXXX feature set.
> To the specifics, when a @NodeEntity class extends another, there is
> limited support to how these can consistently be related to other nodes
> (and retrieved) based not just on the RelationShip name, but also on their
> class (and inheritance/subclass tree).
> To better describe things, look at this simplistic example :
> I have
>     @NodeEntity public class Content {}
>     @NodeEntity public class ExtContent extends Content {}
> and
> @NodeEntity public class Person  {
>                 public Set<Person> getLikedPersons() {return
> likedPersons;}
>                 @RelatedToVia(elementClass = Person.class, type = "LIKES",
> direction = Direction.OUTGOING)
>                 private Set<Person> likedPersons;
>                 public Iterable<Content> getLikedContent() { return
> likedContent; }
>                 @Query ("start n=node({self})  match (n)
> -[:LIKES]-(content) return content")
>                 @RelatedToVia(elementClass = Content.class, type =
> "LIKES", direction = Direction.OUTGOING)
>                 private Iterable<Content> likedContent;
> }
> As you can see, I want Person object/nodes to 'LIKES' other Person objects,
> or Content objects (and below in the inheritance tree, such as ExtContent) :
> @Test
>     public void oo_testing() {
>         Person p1 = new Person().persist();
>         Person p2 = new Person().persist();
>         Content c1 = new Content().persist();
>         ExtContent c2 = new ExtContent().persist();
>         p1.relateTo(c1, "LIKES");
>         p1.relateTo(c2, "LIKES");
>         p1.relateTo(p2, "LIKES");
>         for (Content cc : p1.getLikedContent())
>             logger.warn("Class : " + cc.getClass().getName() + ",  __type__
> : " + cc.getPersistentState().getProperty("__type__"));
>         assertEquals("LikedContent objects are 2", 2,
> p1.getLikedContent().size()); // fails, cause it returns all of 'LIKES'
> related nodes
>     }
> In version 1.1.RELEASE, retrieving any of the collections fails at rutime
> (can't recall the Exception, but it was the sort of "wrong class found").
> In version 2.0.0.M1 & today's 2.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT, getLikedPersons() &
> getLikedContent() both contain
> ALL nodes that are related via 'LIKES' relationship, irrespective of class.
> So, this is what p1.getLikedContent() contains :
> Class : sdnTests.domain.Content,  __type__ : sdnTests.domain.Person
> Class : sdnTests.domain.Content,  __type__ : sdnTests.domain.Content
> Class : sdnTests.domain.ExtContent,  __type__ : sdnTests.domain.ExtContent
> One would expect that since elementClass defines the class of nodes to
> fill the collection with, this it would be obeyed.
> To a better extend, Iterable<Content> likedContent should contain all
> object/nodes of type Content AND Content subclasses (eg ExtContent),
> since do we have this type information.
> The same lacking of OO/polymorphism exists with repositories,
> as discussed here
> http://lists.neo4j.org/pipermail/user/2011-October/012654.html (haven’t
> tested this with 2.0.0.M01, I m still on 1.1)
> One can overcome these problems by hand & on top of SDN, but I guess it
> wouldn't be very elegant & efficient - I think SDN should inherently allow
> these OO/polymorphic features and emerge itself as a lean & robust OO +
> Graph repository.
> 2)      2) The minor issue I have regards (the otherwise brilliant)
> @Query, due to its constraint of annotating (mainly) Iterable and NOT
> allowing Set, List etc (a runtime exception is thrown
> org.springframework.data.neo4j.conversion.QueryResultBuilder$1 cannot be
> cast to java.util.List).
> This wouldn’t be a huge problem, but the JSP/JSLT <forEach> tag DOESNOT
> iterate Iterable (!!!), nor you can directly call .iterator() from within
> JSP, making life hard on both ends.
> Regards
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