Moreover the final file you are likely to change would be something like *.fo.ftl. Then you have to learn a bit about FOP I guess :



Actually what you have seen in the url is not a file but a request path
that you must check out in the controller.xml. It's probably a url that
points to a view handled by a freemarker .ftl file or a form widget .xml
that renders pdf.

To summarize, you must check everything in
/webapp/$component_name/WEB-INF/controller.xml. where $component-name is the
same component you find in the url. it's probably accounting or ordermgr in
your case.


2008/5/29 Carlos Villavicencio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hello there, I need to change the invoice's format in the PDF for printing,
so where I can change that?

In the uri of the PDF button referees an invoice.pdf file which receives as
parameter the invoice number, but I cant find that file. Where is the
mechanism for doing thant?

Thanks in advance.

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