may be the same documents you have already read.
rest you can ask here for pointers.
look under configuration for setup.

Abhijeet Pandey sent the following on 7/21/2009 10:44 PM:
> Hi,
>        We are actually looking to build a E-commerce site quickly and
> someone told me about "Ofbiz". and i must say that i was pretty impress
> about the feature list that it offers.
> But i found the documentation part bit confusing. Can you tell me from where
> i should start and what will be the steps to follow which can help me to
> achieve my goals.Can i get one PDF file which tells me the step to follow
> for the same.
> Any help for this will be appreciated.
> Please guide me and sorry for the trouble which it may cause you.
> Thanks,

BJ Freeman
Systems Integrator.

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