Hi BJ:
I'm not sure where to put this. Any suggestions?
Also, I'd like to put something under the "Book" section of the Apache site (http://docs.ofbiz.org/display/OFBADMIN/OFBiz+Related+Books) but it doesn't appear as though I can edit that page.

BJ Freeman wrote:
How about a link in the wiki explaining this.
if you don't mind.

Ruth Hoffman sent the following on 7/22/2009 9:40 AM:
Hello Abhijeet:
I have written an introductory book - currently in draft form - that you
may download covering some very basic OFBiz eCommerce features. Please
feel free to download it at: http://www.myofbiz.com. You will need to
fill out the survey as requested - but the download, a PDF, is free.
This is an end-User guide and not a developer's manual.

FYI - I am actively working on the second part to this book - an indepth
User guide to the Catalog Manager. (The Catalog Manager is the
application used to configure most of the eCommerce site.) Look for
availability sometime late next month. (I hope :-)

Abhijeet Pandey wrote:

       We are actually looking to build a E-commerce site quickly and
someone told me about "Ofbiz". and i must say that i was pretty impress
about the feature list that it offers.

But i found the documentation part bit confusing. Can you tell me from
i should start and what will be the steps to follow which can help me to
achieve my goals.Can i get one PDF file which tells me the step to follow
for the same.

Any help for this will be appreciated.
Please guide me and sorry for the trouble which it may cause you.


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