Dear Community Membaers - Please help

This is regarding ofbiz JIRA issue OFBIZ-399 

As mentioned in the JIRA comments (mentioned below in red text) - NOTES 
section, Shipment.additionalShippingCharge will be ignored when creating 
an invoice from a Shipment if ProductStore.prorateShipping ="Y", I think 
additional shipping charge should still be captured on invoice for that 
particular shipment even on prorate shipping charge 'Y". The original 
shipping charge comes prorated and this new additional charge should be 
captured on that particular shipment for invoice creation. What are your 
views on this, please suggest ???

This is taken care of in SVN r 4699995, 470162, 470165, 470168, 470170, 
470173. Here's a recap:
Added Shipment.additionalShippingCharge field (currency-amount)
Added ProductStore.prorateTaxes field (indicator)
Added demo data for ProductStore.prorateTaxes ("Y") to Ecommerce and POS 
Added OrderAdjustment.originalAdjustmentId (id) and relation to 
Added OrderAdjustmentBilling entity
Added additionalShippingCharge field to ShipmentForms.editShipment
Added createOrderAdjustmentBilling service to OrderSimpleMethods
Added calculateInvoicedAdjustmentTotal service to InvoiceServices as a 
helper service to determine amount of a given OrderAdjustment billed to 
existing invoices
Modified InvoiceServices:
o If shipping charges should not be prorated, examine the order shipments 
for additional shipping charges
o For each additional shipping charge:
+ Create an OrderAdjustment
+ Calculate taxes on the additional charge, if any, and create another 
+ If part of the order was paid via credit card, create an 
OrderPaymentPreference for the additional charges and authorize it
o When creating invoice items from OrderAdjustments (item- or header- 
level), call new service calculateInvoicedAdjustmentTotal to discover how 
much of the adjustment to invoice. Skip the adjustment if it has been 
fully invoiced
o Create OrderAdjustmentBilling records for every OrderAdjustment amount 
added as an InvoiceItem
o Prorate order-level taxes in the same manner as shipping charges, 
controlled by the ProductStore.prorateTaxes field

Shipment.additionalShippingCharge will be ignored when creating an invoice 
from a Shipment if ProductStore.prorateShipping == "Y"
Fixed a bug in Opentaps 0.8 PaymentGatewayServices where authorizing an 
OrderPaymentPreference always authorized the remaining amount of the order 
and ignored the requested overrideAmount
The current assumption is that there is no distinction between sales tax 
and shipping tax - IE that the shipping tax rate for a given 
origin/destination combination is identical to the sales tax for that 
When authorizing Shipment.additionalShippingCharge when the Shipment is 
related to an order which has multiple credit card 
OrderPaymentPreferences, the first card found will be used
If the authorization for additionalShippingCharge fails, the shipment will 
still be completed

Varun Kothari
Tata Consultancy Services
Experience certainty.   IT Services
                        Business Solutions
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