AFAIK no, we have a TODO item
to implement more rigorous correctness tests (e.g. referenced against
Weka). If you're interested, go ahead and comment the JIra
<>to let others know
you're working on it.

On Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 4:58 AM, Rory Waite <> wrote:

> Thanks Feynman, that is useful.
> I am interested in comparing the Spark MLP with Caffe. If I understand it
> correctly the changes to the Spark MLP API now restricts the functionality
> such that
> -Spark restricts the top layer to be a softmax
> -Can only use LBFGS to train the network
> I think this benchmark originally used a sigmoid top layer and SGD to
> optimise the network for spark. So the Caffe config used in the benchmark
> and the Spark setup are now not equivalent.
> Also this benchmark is designed for speed testing. I just want to do a
> quick sanity test and make sure that Caffe and Spark yield similar
> accuracies for MNIST before I try to test Spark on our own task. I am
> possibly reproducing existing efforts. Is there an example of this kind of
> sanity test I could reproduce?
>   <>
> SDL PLC confidential, all rights reserved. If you are not the intended
> recipient of this mail SDL requests and requires that you delete it without
> acting upon or copying any of its contents, and we further request that you
> advise us.
> SDL PLC is a public limited company registered in England and Wales.
> Registered number: 02675207.
> Registered address: Globe House, Clivemont Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6
> 7DY, UK.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Feynman Liang []
> *Sent:* 11 September 2015 20:34
> *To:* Rory Waite
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: Training the MultilayerPerceptronClassifier
> Rory,
> I just sent a PR ( to
> bring that benchmark up to date. Hope it helps.
> On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 6:39 AM, Rory Waite <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I’ve been trying to train the new MultilayerPerceptronClassifier in spark
>> 1.5 for the MNIST digit recognition task. I’m trying to reproduce the work
>> here:
>> The API has changed since this work, so I’m not sure that I’m setting up
>> the task correctly.
>> After I've trained the classifier, it classifies everything as a 1. It
>> even does this for the training set. I am doing something wrong with the
>> setup? I’m not looking for state of the art performance, just something
>> that looks reasonable. This experiment is meant to be a quick sanity test.
>> Here is the job:
>> import org.apache.log4j._
>> //Logger.getRootLogger.setLevel(Level.OFF)
>> import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors
>> import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint
>> import
>> import
>> import
>> import org.apache.spark.mllib.util.MLUtils
>> import
>> import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
>> import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
>> import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
>> import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
>> import
>> import
>> object MNIST {
>>  def main(args: Array[String]) {
>>    val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("MNIST")
>>    conf.set("spark.driver.extraJavaOptions", "-XX:MaxPermSize=512M")
>>    val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
>>    val batchSize = 100
>>    val numIterations = 5
>>    val mlp = new MultilayerPerceptronClassifier
>>    mlp.setLayers(Array[Int](780, 2500, 2000, 1500, 1000, 500, 10))
>>    mlp.setMaxIter(numIterations)
>>    mlp.setBlockSize(batchSize)
>>    val train = MLUtils.loadLibSVMFile(sc,
>> "file:///misc/home/rwaite/mt-work/ann-benchmark/mnist.scale")
>>    train.repartition(200)
>>    val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
>>    import sqlContext.implicits._
>>    val df = train.toDF
>>    val model =
>>    val trainPredictions = model.transform(df)
>>    val test = MLUtils.loadLibSVMFile(sc,
>> "file:///misc/home/rwaite/mt-work/ann-benchmark/mnist.scale.t", 780).toDF
>>    val result = model.transform(test)
>>    val predictionAndLabels ="prediction", "label")
>>    val evaluator = new MulticlassClassificationEvaluator()
>>      .setMetricName("precision")
>>    println("Precision:" + evaluator.evaluate(predictionAndLabels))
>>    val fos = new
>> FileOutputStream("/home/rwaite/mt-work/ann-benchmark/spark_out/spark_model.obj");
>>    val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
>>    oos.writeObject(model);
>>    oos.close
>>  }
>> }
>> And here is the output:
>> +-----+--------------------+----------+
>> |label|            features|prediction|
>> +-----+--------------------+----------+
>> |  5.0|(780,[152,153,154...|       1.0|
>> |  0.0|(780,[127,128,129...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[160,161,162...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[158,159,160...|       1.0|
>> |  9.0|(780,[208,209,210...|       1.0|
>> |  2.0|(780,[155,156,157...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[124,125,126...|       1.0|
>> |  3.0|(780,[151,152,153...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[152,153,154...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[134,135,161...|       1.0|
>> |  3.0|(780,[123,124,125...|       1.0|
>> |  5.0|(780,[216,217,218...|       1.0|
>> |  3.0|(780,[143,144,145...|       1.0|
>> |  6.0|(780,[72,73,74,99...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[151,152,153...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[211,212,213...|       1.0|
>> |  2.0|(780,[151,152,153...|       1.0|
>> |  8.0|(780,[159,160,161...|       1.0|
>> |  6.0|(780,[100,101,102...|       1.0|
>> |  9.0|(780,[209,210,211...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[129,130,131...|       1.0|
>> |  0.0|(780,[129,130,131...|       1.0|
>> |  9.0|(780,[183,184,185...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[158,159,160...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[99,100,101,...|       1.0|
>> |  2.0|(780,[124,125,126...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[185,186,187...|       1.0|
>> |  3.0|(780,[150,151,152...|       1.0|
>> |  2.0|(780,[145,146,147...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[240,241,242...|       1.0|
>> |  3.0|(780,[201,202,203...|       1.0|
>> |  8.0|(780,[153,154,155...|       1.0|
>> |  6.0|(780,[71,72,73,74...|       1.0|
>> |  9.0|(780,[210,211,212...|       1.0|
>> |  0.0|(780,[154,155,156...|       1.0|
>> |  5.0|(780,[188,189,190...|       1.0|
>> |  6.0|(780,[98,99,100,1...|       1.0|
>> |  0.0|(780,[127,128,129...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[201,202,203...|       1.0|
>> |  6.0|(780,[125,126,127...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[154,155,156...|       1.0|
>> |  8.0|(780,[131,132,133...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[209,210,211...|       1.0|
>> |  9.0|(780,[181,182,183...|       1.0|
>> |  3.0|(780,[174,175,176...|       1.0|
>> |  9.0|(780,[208,209,210...|       1.0|
>> |  8.0|(780,[152,153,154...|       1.0|
>> |  5.0|(780,[186,187,188...|       1.0|
>> |  9.0|(780,[150,151,152...|       1.0|
>> |  3.0|(780,[152,153,154...|       1.0|
>> |  3.0|(780,[122,123,124...|       1.0|
>> |  0.0|(780,[153,154,155...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[203,204,205...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[212,213,214...|       1.0|
>> |  9.0|(780,[205,206,207...|       1.0|
>> |  8.0|(780,[181,182,183...|       1.0|
>> |  0.0|(780,[151,152,153...|       1.0|
>> |  9.0|(780,[210,211,212...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[156,157,158...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[129,130,131...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[149,159,160...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[187,188,189...|       1.0|
>> |  6.0|(780,[127,128,129...|       1.0|
>> |  0.0|(780,[154,155,156...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[152,153,154...|       1.0|
>> |  5.0|(780,[219,220,221...|       1.0|
>> |  6.0|(780,[74,75,101,1...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[150,151,152...|       1.0|
>> |  0.0|(780,[124,125,126...|       1.0|
>> |  0.0|(780,[152,153,154...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[97,98,99,12...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[237,238,239...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[124,125,126...|       1.0|
>> |  6.0|(780,[70,71,72,73...|       1.0|
>> |  3.0|(780,[149,150,151...|       1.0|
>> |  0.0|(780,[154,155,156...|       1.0|
>> |  2.0|(780,[124,125,126...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[156,157,158...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[127,128,129...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[213,214,215...|       1.0|
>> |  9.0|(780,[123,124,125...|       1.0|
>> |  0.0|(780,[153,154,155...|       1.0|
>> |  2.0|(780,[94,95,96,97...|       1.0|
>> |  6.0|(780,[72,73,99,10...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[199,200,201...|       1.0|
>> |  8.0|(780,[152,153,154...|       1.0|
>> |  3.0|(780,[171,172,173...|       1.0|
>> |  9.0|(780,[208,209,210...|       1.0|
>> |  0.0|(780,[122,123,124...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[189,190,191...|       1.0|
>> |  6.0|(780,[73,74,75,76...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[238,239,240...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[158,159,177...|       1.0|
>> |  6.0|(780,[99,100,101,...|       1.0|
>> |  8.0|(780,[154,155,156...|       1.0|
>> |  0.0|(780,[126,127,128...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[209,210,211...|       1.0|
>> |  8.0|(780,[152,153,154...|       1.0|
>> |  3.0|(780,[150,151,152...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[156,157,158...|       1.0|
>> +-----+--------------------+----------+
>> only showing top 100 rows
>> +-----+--------------------+----------+
>> |label|            features|prediction|
>> +-----+--------------------+----------+
>> |  7.0|(780,[202,203,204...|       1.0|
>> |  2.0|(780,[94,95,96,97...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[128,129,130...|       1.0|
>> |  0.0|(780,[124,125,126...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[150,151,159...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[156,157,158...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[149,150,151...|       1.0|
>> |  9.0|(780,[179,180,181...|       1.0|
>> |  5.0|(780,[129,130,131...|       1.0|
>> |  9.0|(780,[209,210,211...|       1.0|
>> |  0.0|(780,[123,124,125...|       1.0|
>> |  6.0|(780,[94,95,96,97...|       1.0|
>> |  9.0|(780,[208,209,210...|       1.0|
>> |  0.0|(780,[152,153,154...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[125,126,127...|       1.0|
>> |  5.0|(780,[124,125,126...|       1.0|
>> |  9.0|(780,[179,180,181...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[200,201,202...|       1.0|
>> |  3.0|(780,[118,119,120...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[158,159,185...|       1.0|
>> |  9.0|(780,[183,184,185...|       1.0|
>> |  6.0|(780,[96,97,98,99...|       1.0|
>> |  6.0|(780,[93,94,95,12...|       1.0|
>> |  5.0|(780,[156,157,158...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[151,152,178...|       1.0|
>> |  0.0|(780,[125,126,127...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[230,234,235...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[152,153,179...|       1.0|
>> |  0.0|(780,[149,150,151...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[123,124,125...|       1.0|
>> |  3.0|(780,[175,176,177...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[152,153,154...|       1.0|
>> |  3.0|(780,[148,149,150...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[122,123,150...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[175,176,177...|       1.0|
>> |  2.0|(780,[124,125,126...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[202,203,204...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[151,152,153...|       1.0|
>> |  2.0|(780,[125,126,127...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[126,127,128...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[125,126,153...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[207,208,209...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[176,177,178...|       1.0|
>> |  2.0|(780,[126,127,128...|       1.0|
>> |  3.0|(780,[121,122,123...|       1.0|
>> |  5.0|(780,[152,153,154...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[122,123,124...|       1.0|
>> |  2.0|(780,[65,66,67,68...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[177,178,179...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[147,148,157...|       1.0|
>> |  6.0|(780,[100,101,102...|       1.0|
>> |  3.0|(780,[172,173,174...|       1.0|
>> |  5.0|(780,[163,164,165...|       1.0|
>> |  5.0|(780,[126,127,128...|       1.0|
>> |  6.0|(780,[93,94,95,12...|       1.0|
>> |  0.0|(780,[151,152,153...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[148,149,150...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[155,156,157...|       1.0|
>> |  9.0|(780,[209,210,211...|       1.0|
>> |  5.0|(780,[190,191,192...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[198,199,200...|       1.0|
>> |  8.0|(780,[153,154,155...|       1.0|
>> |  9.0|(780,[178,179,180...|       1.0|
>> |  3.0|(780,[95,96,97,98...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[200,201,202...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[156,157,184...|       1.0|
>> |  6.0|(780,[67,68,69,95...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[160,161,162...|       1.0|
>> |  3.0|(780,[148,149,150...|       1.0|
>> |  0.0|(780,[152,153,179...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[206,207,208...|       1.0|
>> |  0.0|(780,[123,124,125...|       1.0|
>> |  2.0|(780,[119,120,121...|       1.0|
>> |  9.0|(780,[180,181,182...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[152,153,154...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[213,214,215...|       1.0|
>> |  3.0|(780,[124,125,126...|       1.0|
>> |  2.0|(780,[205,206,207...|       1.0|
>> |  9.0|(780,[183,184,185...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[209,210,211...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[205,206,207...|       1.0|
>> |  6.0|(780,[99,100,101,...|       1.0|
>> |  2.0|(780,[96,97,98,99...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[204,205,206...|       1.0|
>> |  8.0|(780,[156,157,159...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[147,148,158...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[203,204,205...|       1.0|
>> |  3.0|(780,[146,147,148...|       1.0|
>> |  6.0|(780,[67,68,69,70...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[128,129,130...|       1.0|
>> |  3.0|(780,[152,153,154...|       1.0|
>> |  6.0|(780,[71,72,73,74...|       1.0|
>> |  9.0|(780,[182,183,184...|       1.0|
>> |  3.0|(780,[149,150,151...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[123,124,125...|       1.0|
>> |  4.0|(780,[158,159,160...|       1.0|
>> |  1.0|(780,[149,150,151...|       1.0|
>> |  7.0|(780,[175,176,177...|       1.0|
>> |  6.0|(780,[99,100,101,...|       1.0|
>> |  9.0|(780,[177,178,179...|       1.0|
>> +-----+--------------------+----------+
>> only showing top 100 rows
>> Precision:0.1135
>>   <>
>> SDL PLC confidential, all rights reserved. If you are not the intended
>> recipient of this mail SDL requests and requires that you delete it without
>> acting upon or copying any of its contents, and we further request that you
>> advise us.
>> SDL PLC is a public limited company registered in England and Wales.
>> Registered number: 02675207.
>> Registered address: Globe House, Clivemont Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire
>> SL6 7DY, UK.
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