Hi All,

I am having a topology with Kafka Spout Implementation with the
topologyBuilder mentioned below,

        TopologyBuilder builder=new TopologyBuilder();
        builder.setSpout("KafkaSpout", new KafkaSpout(kafkaConfig), 8);
        builder.setBolt("Parser", new
        builder.setBolt("FileBolt", new

        Config config=new Config();
        config.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKERS, 4);

I am having two level of Bolts,

1) Parser - Parsing of data and emitting a output tuple value which is
containing POJO serialized object
2) Persist - Persisting of the forwarded data after some computation, which
is received through previous bolt(Parser).

Now I was looking out a way for the last PersistBolt("FileBolt") I want the
field grouping on the parser bolt based on the some field value(POJO) which
is being emitted.

To make it more clear,

Parser is emitting a POJO of the form,

collector.emit(new Values(responseHandler));

where responseHandler is a POJO,

public class ResponseHandler implements Serializable{

private String host = null;
private String user = null;
private String msg = null;
 public String getHost() {
return host;
public void setHost(String host) {
this.host = host;
public String getUser() {
return hostName;
public void setuser(String user) {
this.user = user;
public String getMsg() {
return msg;
public void setMsg(String msg) {
this.msg = msg;

Now I was looking out for a way to field group on the host and user level.

Actively looking for the way around!


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