信息量太少, 有可能导致这个问题的原因:
1. iptables设置
2. 管理服务器的cidr和host在全局配置里设置是否是管理的流量
3. KVM自身网络流量的设置

On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 3:19 PM, wanghaicheng2004 <
> wrote:

> cloudstack3.0.5 + CentOS6.3+KVM
> 创建基本域时,卡在了添加主机
> ConsoleProxyManagerImpl
>         Skip capacity scan DUE TO there is no Primary Storage UPintenance
> mode
> VirtualNetworkApplianceManagerImpl
>         Found 0 routers.
> ConsoleProxyManagerImpl
>         Skip capacity scan DUE TO there is no Primary Storage UPintenance
> mode
> VirtualNetworkApplianceManagerImpl
>         Found 0 routers.
> StatsCollector
>         VmStatsCollector is running...
> StatsCollector
>         HostStatsCollector is running...
> StatsCollector
>         StorageCollector is running...
> KvmServerDiscoverer
>         Timeout, to wait for the host connecting to mgt svr, assuming it
> is failed
> ResourceManagerImpl
>         Unable to find the server resources at
> AddHostCmd
>         Exception:
> ApiDispatcher
>         class ServerApiException : Unable to add the host
> wanghaicheng2004

