We discuss this development over at dev@activemq.apache.org, so you might subscribe to it. Or you could monitor the JIRA issue:

thank you very much  i'm very excited to see this functionality working..

and a final point: how can i know when this functionality is ready...

James.Strachan wrote:
On 3/20/07, cafe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
ok, but i can't get this to work, I have the following example:

in the server side:

Destination destination = session.createQueue("TransferQueue");
BlobMessage bmsg = session.createBlobMessage(new File("D:/Film.avi"));

and in the client side:

MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(destination);
BlobMessage msg =  (BlobMessage)consumer.receive();
the output of this is: null, null...

what happening here? how i can get the file??
As Aleksi just said, we're still developing that part :). Though what
should work now is sending around a URL to a file on some shared
file/web server. i.e. if you put the file somewhere yourself, then
create a message via

Message message = session.createBlobMessage(new

The missing piece is the automatic upload of files by the JMS client
to some file/web server (which maybe inside the broker, or could be
external - or could even be hosted by the producer). We hopefully will
have that working quite soon.


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