----- "James Strachan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6/2/07, Tom Samplonius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >   How much more work needs to occur to get Stomp protocol support to
> a usable state?
> Huh? :) Its very useable right now


  Another component of getting Stomp to a usable state, is releasing an 
ActiveMQ release with Stomp support that doesn't have a serious bug(s).  4.1.1 
loses un-acked Stomp messages.  This is fixed in the 4.2-SNAPSHOT releases (at 
least the more current ones).

  To really get Stomp out there, we need a release of ActiveMQ with robust 
Stomp support.  I hope this change to calling the next release 5.0 doesn't 
indicate that release of the next version will be delayed.

  And the effort to get the PHP Stomp client fixed so it doesn't use deprecated 
socket functions, and get it listed on PECL is good.  The Perl Net::Stomp 
library is good already, and available on CPAN.  It is kind of a dis-service to 
Stomp that http://stomp.codehaus.org/Perl recommends an older non-CPAN listed 

  Also, how about your proposal to make persistent messages the default for 
Stomp?  I saw a message from you in the mailing list archives about this?  I 
think this would be perfect for the 5.0 release.



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