Hi Jason,

on initialization of the transport with no brokers - you say it hangs ? - is that at the transport (tcp) level ?



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On Nov 16, 2007, at 11:12 PM, Jason Rosenberg wrote:


I am trying to implement a solution based on the TransportListener, in order
to use the FailoverTransport.

Basically, I don't want to use the maxReconnectAttempts param for
FailoverTransport, because I want it to be self-recovering, and to continue
retrying, etc.

But, I do need it to respond quickly to the caller when no brokers are

So, I'm wondering what the recommended approach might be for utilizing the TransportListener. I have version up and running, which seems to work ok,
in that I can set a listener on my connections and set an
'availabilityStatus', etc....So, I don't attempt to make a connection or
send a message, if the availabilityStatus is false, etc.

However, I haven't figured out how to make it work if the app initially
comes up the first time with no brokers available.  In this case, the
initial connection attempt hangs, and so I never even get to the point of
being able to add a transportListener, in the first place.

I've tried doing things under the hood, like explicitly start an
'initializingFailoverTransport' object, and set the listener to that, prior to the application being initialized. This seems to work ok, but it seems to cause the application to hang on shut-down, I haven't seemed to figure
out how to make this 'initializingFailoverTransport' shut itself down
cleanly when everything shuts down....

I'm using Spring, so I use the InitializingBean and DisposableBean
interfaces to manage creation and closing of the
'initializingFailoverTransport'.....(but this initializingFailoverTransport approach seems like a hack to me anyway, I'm not really happy with it.).

Anyway, I'm beginning to think I'm going about it all wrong, perhaps there's a cleaner way to make this work reliably? Especially in the case where the first connection attempt would hang, and thus can't even initialize the
TransportListener, etc....

I'm using AMQ 4.1.1, by the way, with Jencks AMQPool....I've modified the ActiveMQConnectionFactory to use a setTransportListener method (basically
copied the same model as was done for AMQ 5.X)....

Finally, what is the reason for not allowing the transport to cause a
transport failure exception, if all configured failover uri's fail, but
still have it be self-recovering if a broker becomes available?


What approaches have others tried?
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/How-to-use- TransportListener-with-FailoverTransport-tf4824542s2354.html#a13803554
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