I guess my first message was too long, but that's alright, I ended up
getting the answers I needed.  I figured I should let you guys in on the
results of my testing.

The summary of my initial write up is that my main requirement is message
throughput per host, so that is what my testing has been focused.  The
bottom line is that I was able to sent 4500 messages/sec between two hosts
using 3 producer processes and 2 consumer processes each using embedded
brokers.  That is the highest sustained throughput I was able to achieve,
and while it was successful, the 2 consumers were consuming ~80% of the CPU
on the host (2 2.4G Xeons with HT enabled) leaving little available for my
processing of the messages.  Interestingly enough, the 3 producers were
consuming ~60% of the CPU on the other host.

As a sanity check, I compared a standalone broker to embedded brokers in a
1:1 configuration.  The standalone maxed out around 1800/sec, and the
embedded brokers sustained 2500/sec, so this looks like it might be a more
capable configuration.

Unfortunately, none of this works for our requirements.  To handle our
current load on existing hardware we need to support at least 8000/sec, and
to allow for future growth, I'd really want 15-20k.


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