Danilo Tuler wrote:
Hi Filip,

Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:
essentially, it's more of a tuning thingy then a memory leak, if one needs that many topics/queues, then not running with the dedicated task runner sounds like the solution,

I didn't understand why you classify this issue as a "tuning thingy" and not
a bug.
no problem, let me see if I can explain it better.
from my understanding, UseDedicatedTaskRunner creates a thread per session (or connection, I would have to check).

in the test case provided, the program is trying to create 5000+ connections/sessions, hence that would require 5000 threads, not very scalable.

so to "tune" this, one would turn off the dedicated task runner, and that solves the problem.

If one insisted on having 5000 threads, then one would carefully have to tune -Xmx (lower it) and -Xss (lower it) to be able to fit that many threads in the JVM, I suspect the test case ran in a 32 bit JVM where you have a fixed size of the process heap. And raising the -Xmx flag will lower the number of threads you can run in the JVM

I guess I don't know AMQ internals enough to get that.
All I know about AMQ thread handling is what I read from [1], which may
refer to AMQ 4.x.

Where can I find documentation for the UseDedicatedTaskRunner property?
source code? prolly not what you wanna hear



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