So I would see this increase in memory on the JMS sender?  This seems a
little strange.  I have tried ActiveMQ 5.2 and see the same problem on the
sending client application.

On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 2:39 AM, Rob Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That's not a a memory leak you're seeing - that's the wacky  Retroactive
> Consumer functionality - see
> The default policy is FixedSizeSubscrptionRecoveryPolicy - and the default
> cache size for each topic in 5.1 is about 6mb. I'd suggest configuring a
> smaller size for the cache (this is done by default in 5.2) - or disabling
> it all together ;) - see see
> cheers,
> Rob
> On 10 Oct 2008, at 01:55, Mark Webb wrote:
> I have run across a memory leak that I have been able to reproduce.  I
>> am profiling the sample application in NetBeans and I believe that I
>> have traced the problem to
>> org.apache.activemq.openwire.v3.BaseDataStreamMarshaller.tightUnmarshalByteSequence(DataInput,
>> BooleanStream)
>> The sample program is a very simple application that sends an object
>> that I wrote to ActiveMQ every 200ms.  In NetBeans I am using the
>> "Live Allocated Objects" view and approximately 80% of all objects are
>> byte[].  If I view the Allocation Call Tree, the first few methods in
>> the tree are:
>> BaseDataStreamMarshaller.tightUnmarshalByteSequence(DataInput,
>> BooleanStream)
>>  org.apache.activemq.util.ByteArrayOutputStream.checkCapacity(int)
>>      org.apache.activemq.util.ByteArrayOutputStream.<init>
>>         java.lang.StringCoding$StringEncoder.encode(char[],int,int)
>> The object that I am sending is a simple bean class and only contains
>> an int, String and byte[].
>> I am using the base configuration for ActiveMQ.  All my sample
>> application does is call sendObject(Serializable) every 200ms.  Here
>> is the simple JMS library that I wrote:
>> ------------- START --------------------------
>> public class JmsLib {
>>   private TopicConnection connection;
>>   private Session session;
>>   private Topic destination;
>>   private MessageProducer producer;
>>   private MessageConsumer consumer;
>>   public JmsLib( ActiveMQConnectionFactory connFactory, String dest
>> ) throws JMSException {
>>       connection = connFactory.createTopicConnection();
>>       session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
>>       destination = session.createTopic( dest );
>>       producer = session.createProducer( destination );
>>       consumer = session.createConsumer( destination );
>>       connection.start();
>>   }
>>   public void addMessageListener( MessageListener listener ) throws
>> JMSException{
>>       consumer.setMessageListener( listener );
>>   }
>>   public void sendObject( Serializable object ) throws JMSException{
>>       ObjectMessage message = session.createObjectMessage( object );
>>       producer.send(message);
>>   }
>> }
>> --------------- END --------------------------
>> Thanks for any help you may have...

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