2008/11/4 selezovikj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> System.out.println("before declaration");
> final Log log = LogFactory.getLog("MSGSTATS");
> System.out.println("after declaration");
> "after declaration" is never printed out.
> So commons-logging initializes a Log, which initializes log4j by reading the
> log4j.properties file, then in the log4j.properties MSGSTATS the JMS
> appender is started, which then tries to connect to localhost:61617 with
> failover. Failover wants to log with commons-logging but blocks and just
> says that it attempts to connect BECAUSE it is not connected yet and cannot
> log if not connected.
> Any way to tell failover to not block/log ?

Create a JMS appender that lazily connects when its actually got
something to log?


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