>From my procedure above, remove broker-config.xml from the list of files to


Andreas Gies-3 wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks for sharing this.
> Andreas
> On Mar 18, 2009, at 4:37 AM, lyall wrote:
>> Got it working.
>> Procedure, as follows :-
>> In order to have Apache ActiveMQ as a valid JMS target, the  
>> following steps
>> need to be done.
>> I have taken the Resource Adapter archive from an ActiveMQ  
>> installation
>> lib\optional\activemq-rar-5.2.0.rar
>> This is the activeMQ resource adapter archive - for client as well as
>> embedded server. Personally, I don't think we need to include all  
>> this if we
>> just want a client, only if we want an embedded server. Still, it  
>> worked,
>> time to fine tune later.
>> I Created a directory on the Oracle_SOA VM called e:\activemq- 
>> rar-5.2.0\
>> which contains the extracted content of the activemq-rar-5.2.0.rar  
>> archive
>> (and contrary to file suffix, it is a jar archive, you don't need  
>> winrar to
>> unpack it).
>> Placed the following XML segment
>> <shared-library name="apache.jmsprovider.mq" version="5.2.0">
>>   <code-source path="e:\activemq-rar-5.2.0\activation-1.1.jar"/>
>>   <code-source path="e:\activemq-rar-5.2.0\activeio-core-3.1.0.jar"/>
>>   <code-source path="e:\activemq-rar-5.2.0\activemq-core-5.2.0.jar"/>
>>   <code-source path="e:\activemq-rar-5.2.0\activemq-ra-5.2.0.jar"/>
>>   <code-source
>> path="e:\activemq-rar-5.2.0\backport-util-concurrent-2.1.jar"/>
>>   <code-source path="e:\activemq-rar-5.2.0\broker-config.xml"/>
>>   <code-source path="e:\activemq-rar-5.2.0\camel-core-1.5.0.jar"/>
>>   <code-source path="e:\activemq-rar-5.2.0\derby-"/>
>>   <code-source
>> path="e:\activemq-rar-5.2.0\geronimo-j2ee- 
>> management_1.0_spec-1.0.jar"/>
>>   <code-source path="e:\activemq-rar-5.2.0\jaxb-api-2.0.jar"/>
>>   <code-source path="e:\activemq-rar-5.2.0\jaxb-impl-2.0.3.jar"/>
>>   <code-source path="e:\activemq-rar-5.2.0\jsr173_api-1.0.jar"/>
>>   <code-source path="e:\activemq-rar-5.2.0\log4j-1.2.14.jar"/>
>>   <code-source path="e:\activemq-rar-5.2.0\xbean-spring-3.4.jar"/>
>>   <import-shared-library name="apache.commons.logging"/>
>> </shared-library>
>> into e:\SOASuite10131\j2ee\home\config\server.xml
>> (there where about 7 server.xml files on the machine, this appeared  
>> to be
>> the appropriate one)
>> I then edited E:\SOASuite10131\j2ee\home\config\application.xml
>> changing
>> <orion-application>
>>   ...
>>  <imported-shared-libraries>
>>     <import-shared-library name="adf.oracle.domain"/>
>>  </imported-shared-libraries>
>> to
>> <orion-application>
>>   ...
>>  <imported-shared-libraries>
>>     <import-shared-library name="adf.oracle.domain"/>
>>     <import-shared-library name="apache.jmsprovider.mq"/>
>>  </imported-shared-libraries>
>> I then added
>> <connector-factory location="eis/activemq/Queue" connector-name="Jms
>> Adapter">
>> <config-property name="connectionFactoryLocation"
>> value="org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory"/>
>> <config-property name="factoryProperties"
>> value="BrokerURL=tcp://<xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>:61616"/>
>> <config-property name="acknowledgeMode" value="AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE"/>
>> <config-property name="isTopic" value="false"/>
>> <config-property name="isTransacted" value="true"/>
>> <config-property name="username" value="system"/>
>> <config-property name="password" value="manager"/>
>> <connection-pooling use="none">
>> </connection-pooling>
>> <security-config use="none">
>> </security-config>
>> </connector-factory>
>> as the last entry in
>> E:\SOASuite10131\j2ee\home\application-deployments\default\JmsAdapter 
>> \oc4j-ra.xml.
>> I obtained the username/passwords from an activeMQ instance
>> c:\apache-activemq-5.2.0conf\credentials.properties file. Once  
>> again, not
>> sure if needed.
>> It should be noted, that according to the ActiveMQ Resource Adapter
>> Documenation, the BrokerURL property is optional, but I have coded  
>> it to
>> point to our running ActiveMQ broker, for the sake of a quiet life  
>> (which I
>> never seem to have).
>> Once the above steps had been done, it is possible to create a JMS  
>> Partner
>> link in JDeveloper, entirely using the GUI tools
>> Procedure as follows :-
>> Create a Synchronous BPEL application using the JDeveloper
>> Create a partner link for ActiveMQ of type JMS Adapter
>> Wizard settings as follows :-
>> Page 1
>> * Third Party
>> Page 2
>> * Factory Properties - Set the following properties - ALL of these are
>> optional, really, so long as you set ONE of them or you won't be  
>> able to
>> proceed to the next page. Maybe username/password you will be ok (the
>> defaults are set in the Application Server, as per the instructions  
>> above -
>> still, I figure it's best to specify everything, thus, making the  
>> defaults
>> superfluous)
>> NOTE: A bug in the Adapter configuration wizard will not parse the
>> factoryProperties=BrokerURL=tcp://ip.add.res.ss:port part correctly,  
>> on
>> subsequent passes through the wizard. You will need to re-enter that
>> property.
>> *  
>> connectionFactoryLocation 
>> =org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory
>> * factoryProperties=BrokerURL=tcp://<xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>:61616
>> * isTopic=false
>> * isTransacted=true
>> * username=system    (found in credentials.properties of ActiveMQ
>> installation - optional)
>> * password=manager   (found in credentials.properties of ActiveMQ  
>> installation
>> - optional)
>> * acknowledgeMode=AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE
>> * JMS Connection Factory = ConnectionFactory
>> * Transacted = true
>> * Desintation Type = Queue
>> * User Name = blank
>> * Password = blank
>> * JMS Connection JNDI Name = eis/activemq/Queue (corresponds to  
>> install
>> instructions, above)
>> Page 3
>> * Operation Type = Produce Message
>> * Operation Name = Produce_Message
>> Page 4
>> * Destination Name = target ActiveMQ Queue - say Testing.Queue
>> * Message Body Type = TextMessage
>> * Delivery Mode = Persistent
>> * Priority = Default
>> * TimeToLive = 0
>> Page 5
>> * Choose a WSDL that reflects the message type expected - in my test  
>> case, I
>> simply chose the incoming message WSDL
>> Setup the Invoke step
>> * Populate the Input and Output variables appropriately, using an  
>> assign
>> Deploy
>> Test
>> Check the queue in http://<xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>:8161/admin/queues.jsp to  
>> see if
>> your message has arrived.
>> -- 
>> View this message in context:
>> http://www.nabble.com/Oracle-BPEL-%3C-%3E-ActiveMQ---Howto--tp22449017p22572359.html
>> Sent from the ActiveMQ - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> ---
> Mit freundlichen Grüssen - Kind Regards
> Andreas Gies
> Principal Consultant
> Open Source Center of Competence
> Progress Software GmbH
> Agrippinawerft 26
> 50678 Köln
> E-Mail        ag...@progress.com
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> Skype         +44 (0)20 3239 2922
> Skype         +353 (0)1 443 4971
> Skype         +1 (0)781 262 0168
> http://www.progress.com
> http://fusesource.com
> http://open-source-adventures.blogspot.com
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Progress Software GmbH
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Agrippinawerft 26, 50678 Koeln;
> Niederlassung: Fuerstenrieder Str. 279, 81377 Muenchen
> Amtsgericht Koeln, HRB 15620;
> Geschaeftsfuehrung: David Ireland
> -------------------------------------------------------

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