With Pure Master slave replication, the slave is in lock step with the
master. To make this work, the slave needs to start at the same time as the
master as there is no retrospective replication.
The master can be told to wait for a slave to connect to ensure that it does
not process work before the slave connection is in place.

Failover or replication of the masterConectionURI does not make sense in
this context as there is nothing to fill the gap if a slave reconnects. It
could miss some state changes and be out of step.
In any event, it is the disconnect of the masterConectionURI that causes a
slave to assume it is the master and begin processing requests. If failover:
is used. the disconnect (when the master dies) will not be immediately
visible to the slave which will defer the promotion to master.

In short, a masterConnectorURI something like
does not make sense atm.

2009/4/2 Jared Dunne <jareddu...@gmail.com>

> I am trying to determine the ideal hardware to run my ActiveMQ 5.2
> Pure Master/Slave brokers on.  I am currently deciding between
> hardware with 2 NICs versus 4 NICs.  I am curious if ActiveMQ features
> currently support multiple replication connections between Master and
> Slave or alternatively failover on the replication connection.
> It seems like you can make the masterConnectorURI something like this:
> failover://(tcp://master-nic1:61616,tcp://master-nic2:61616,tcp://master-nic3:61616)
> and the Slave broker will sucessfully establish a connection to the
> Master, even when the first URI listed is not routable/addressable,
> but I dont see any documentation that describes this behaviour.  So I
> am not sure how this works or even if it is expected to work..
> If it's not clear from my questions above, I am trying to determine if
> I can take advantage of hardware with 4 NICs each to use 3 of the NICs
> for Master->Slave replication connections (across networking equipment
> creating private networks between master/Slave), and use the 4th NIC
> for normal JMS/Stomp Client connections.
> j-
> PS: Sorry if this is a repost on Nabble. I tried posting via Nabble at
> first but it would not successfully publish to mailing list and then
> my Nabble account vanished.


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