
i'm seeing an NPE in my broker, after which the broker is inoperable without a restart. below is the amq related logging upto the first occurence of the NPE. there's no obvious cause, and prior to the NPE the broker had been working fine for 19 hours or so, logging pretty much nothing, and had processed a few hundred thousand messages

ring any bells with anyone ?




20 Jul 2009 14:01:21,134 INFO [BrokerService] (main:) - Using Persistence Adapter: AMQPersistenceAdapter(/home/sonar/sonar/ local_storage/production_devcrunch01-reeep/amq) 20 Jul 2009 14:01:21,219 INFO [KahaStore] (main:) - Kaha Store using data directory /home/sonar/sonar/local_storage/production_devcrunch01- reeep/amq/kr-store/state 20 Jul 2009 14:01:21,348 INFO [BrokerService] (main:) - ActiveMQ 5.2.0 JMS Message Broker (sonar-production-devcrunch01-reeep) is starting 20 Jul 2009 14:01:21,348 INFO [BrokerService] (main:) - For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org/ 20 Jul 2009 14:01:21,527 INFO [KahaStore] (main:) - Kaha Store using data directory /home/sonar/sonar/local_storage/production_devcrunch01- reeep/amq/kr-store/data 20 Jul 2009 14:01:21,595 INFO [TransportServerThreadSupport] (main:) - Listening for connections at: tcp://devcrunch01:50639 20 Jul 2009 14:01:21,667 INFO [TransportConnector] (main:) - Connector openwire Started 20 Jul 2009 14:01:21,668 INFO [BrokerService] (main:) - ActiveMQ JMS Message Broker (sonar-production-devcrunch01-reeep, ID:devcrunch01-55590-1248098481379-0:0) started 20 Jul 2009 14:02:19,904 INFO [DiscoveryTransport] (Multicast Discovery Agent Notifier:) - Adding new broker connection URL: tcp:// devcrunch01:50639 20 Jul 2009 14:02:19,934 INFO [FailoverTransport] (ActiveMQ Task:) - Successfully connected to tcp://devcrunch01:50639 20 Jul 2009 14:36:24,989 INFO [DiscoveryTransport] (Multicast Discovery Agent Notifier:) - Adding new broker connection URL: tcp:// devcrunch01:50639 20 Jul 2009 19:53:24,757 INFO [DiscoveryTransport] (Multicast Discovery Agent Notifier:) - Adding new broker connection URL: tcp:// devcrunch01:50639 20 Jul 2009 19:53:25,249 WARN [FailoverTransport] (ActiveMQ Transport: tcp://localhost/ - Transport failed to tcp://devcrunch01:50639 , attempting to automatically reconnect due to: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset 20 Jul 2009 19:53:25,322 INFO [FailoverTransport] (ActiveMQ Task:) - Successfully reconnected to tcp://devcrunch01:50639 21 Jul 2009 09:03:59,091 INFO [DiscoveryTransport] (Multicast Discovery Agent Notifier:) - Adding new broker connection URL: tcp:// devcrunch01:50639 21 Jul 2009 09:03:59,341 INFO [FailoverTransport] (ActiveMQ Task:) - Successfully reconnected to tcp://devcrunch01:50639 21 Jul 2009 09:03:59,362 WARN [FailoverTransport] (InactivityMonitor Async Task: java.util.concurrent.threadpoolexecutor$wor...@719bd84b:) - Transport failed to tcp://devcrunch01:50639 , attempting to automatically reconnect due to: org.apache.activemq.transport.InactivityIOException: Channel was inactive for too long: localhost/ 21 Jul 2009 09:04:14,136 ERROR [Service] (ActiveMQ Transport: tcp:/// - Async error occurred: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at org.apache.activemq.broker.region.Queue.send(Queue.java:328)
at org .apache.activemq.broker.region.AbstractRegion.send(AbstractRegion.java: 350) at org.apache.activemq.broker.region.RegionBroker.send(RegionBroker.java: 437) at org .apache.activemq.broker.TransactionBroker.send(TransactionBroker.java: 224)
        at org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerFilter.send(BrokerFilter.java:126)
at org .apache .activemq .broker .CompositeDestinationBroker.send(CompositeDestinationBroker.java:95) at org .apache .activemq.broker.MutableBrokerFilter.send(MutableBrokerFilter.java:133) at org .apache .activemq .broker.TransportConnection.processMessage(TransportConnection.java:450) at org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQMessage.visit(ActiveMQMessage.java: 639) at org .apache .activemq.broker.TransportConnection.service(TransportConnection.java: 305) at org.apache.activemq.broker.TransportConnection $1.onCommand(TransportConnection.java:179) at org .apache .activemq.transport.TransportFilter.onCommand(TransportFilter.java:68) at org .apache .activemq .transport.WireFormatNegotiator.onCommand(WireFormatNegotiator.java:143) at org .apache .activemq.transport.InactivityMonitor.onCommand(InactivityMonitor.java: 206) at org .apache .activemq.transport.TransportSupport.doConsume(TransportSupport.java:84) at org.apache.activemq.transport.tcp.TcpTransport.doRun(TcpTransport.java: 203) at org.apache.activemq.transport.tcp.TcpTransport.run(TcpTransport.java: 185)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)

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