Hi All,

It appears that the ActiveMQ FuseSource Stomp PHP client can't handle
messages larger than 1024 bytes. The code is as follows in Stomp.php:

        $rb = 1024;
        $data = '';
        $end = false;

        do {
            $read = fread($this->_socket, $rb);
            if ($read === false) {
                return $this->readFrame();
            $data .= $read;
            if (strpos($data, "\x00") !== false) {
                $end = true;
                $data = rtrim($data, "\n");
            $len = strlen($data);
        } while ($len < 2 || $end == false);

If I set $rb to a larger value e.g. 1048576, it consumes the whole
message and works as expected. What appears to be happening is that
the first 1024 bytes are read, the loop exit condition is not met and
then the client hangs on the $read = fread($this->_socket, $rb); line.

I'm using:

Mac OS X Leopard (yeah, I'll upgrade when I have more disk space...
the irony is that by upgrading I save disk space... *sigh*)
PHP 5.2.11

Let me know if I should publish this to the fusesource dev mailing list instead


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