Hi all,

I'm currently try to write a Proof of Concept for using ActiveMQ for
spooling (queue) in JAMES (james.apache.org).
One of my teammates investigated into this some time ago an had some
exchange with James Strachan:

Unfortunally we never did the move until now..

We using Camel for doing the whole Matcher/Mailet processing and us it
to read abd write from our current spool implementation.

I use camel to just send the Mail object (which holds the MimeMessage
and some other stuff) via
After that I see that the camel routes take in place and cosume the
mail object and start the routing. This works without problems, except
one "little" thing. If I try to access the MimeMessage (which is
stored in the Mail object)  I always just get "null".

So my question is, is there any "limitating" which would cut of the
MimeMessage while storing the mail object into the queue ?

I know storing the whole mail in a JMSMessage is not a good thing for
performance, but I want to get it work before start to optimize it.


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