Gary Tully schrieb:
> what version are you using? this looks like
> but that is not consistent
> with your reference to KahaDB.
Sorry. The broker is 5.3.0. We had no problems with our stores on 5.2.0
but there we had problems with hanging connections. These hanging
connections went away when we switched to 5.3.0. But now we loose
messages due to corrupt stores.

Today we lost another store (this time amqPersistence, to wich we
switched after we lost the kahaPeristence store my first message told from).

This time we had to kill the broker since there were connections hanging
("connection /xx.yy.zz.aa:12345 taking a long time ..."). I checked with
netstat and there were no connections with that IP and port number -
seems to be a hickup in AMQ. But without closing these connections the
store does not get flushed. And since we needed a working broker we were
forced to kill that broker. And we lost again a store.

At the moment my decision to use AMQ is hardly challanged by my boss and
his peers ...


Roland Thomas Lichti
IT Application Manager

Telefónica o2 Germany GmbH & Co. OHG
Hülshorstweg 30, 33415 Verl
t: +49 5246 80 1121, f: +49 5246 80 2121
m: +49 160 98949570

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