On Fri, 2010-05-28 at 12:27 +0200, Frank Gynnild wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I've been using ActiveMQ for some time, but have run into several issues
> lately which I haven't been able to figure out what is causing them.
> I use the NMS Client Library from C# using version 5.3.0 of ActiveMQ, but
> have also tried using version 5.3.2. I am also using the latest
> versions of the NMS client libraries (Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ.dll +
> Apache.NMS.dll). I'm using persistent queues, without producer flow control
> disabled. The prefetch is set to 1 and auto acknowledge.

What version of NMS are you using?  The latest is v1.3.0 and is
recommended that you switch to that if you aren't using it already.

> The first problem is that from a producer, the send method can sometimes
> block indefinitely. Similar, when trying to stop
> the program, it blocks when trying to close the connection.

If you have producer flow control enabled then this is not unusual if
you are producing to a Queue with no consumer.

> Sometimes I also get this error "Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ.IOException: Channel
> was inactive for too long: tcp://
> ".
> I saw on the mailing list that setting the 
> "wireFormat.MaxInactivityDuration=0"
> would deal with this situation, but it didn't remedy this situation.
> The connection and the session objects are used for a long time. Is there
> any guidance for how long a connection and session should be used?
> I also tried using the failover which just one address, like this:
> "failover:(tcp://
> but then it gave
> me some other issues, the number of threads started to spin up. Can the same
> connection and session be used over several threads?

There shouldn't be any issues with running for long periods of time.

> Anything that could shed some light on these issues would be very welcome.
> Thanks,
> Frank


Tim Bish

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