On Fri, 2010-07-02 at 16:26 +0100, andrew.mar...@uk.bnpparibas.com
> I am having a terrible time with amq-cpp 3.2.x on VS2005. I used MPC to 
> generate the missing VS 2005 files and everything rebuilt ok but there are 
> still problems:
> in Debug mode my app fails to link with the error fatal error LNK1106: 
> invalid file or disk full
> in Release mode it linked but blew up with a core dump as soon as it tried 
> to use AMQ (not sure which call).
> I think there may be still something wrong with my build env but I do not 
> know what. I note that I have to link with the APR libraries. I thought 
> these were C libraries so I took prebuilts from sourceforge. Do I need to 
> do my own build of these as well. I am wondering if the C++ macros I am 
> forced to use also have to be enabled here. They are:
>   macros += WIN32
>   macros += _WINDOWS
>   macros += NOMINMAX
>   macros += _SECURE_SCL_THROWS=1
>   macros += _SECURE_SCL=1
>   macros += _MBCS
>   macros += _VC80_UPGRADE=0x0600
> I assumed I wouldn't need these since the APR is coded in C. However, I 
> now remember that VS does not provide a separate C compiler. One has to 
> run C code through the C++ compiler so maybe these macros might have an 
> effect.
> I would really appreciate a release of AMQ-cpp with VS files for VS2005.
> Regards,
> Andrew Marlow
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The latest release of AMQCPP v3.2.1 is now out and includes VS2008
projects and solutions.  With a little Google searching you can find out
how to down-convert them to VS2005 (although you can get VS2008 Express
for free), basically just changing some version numbers in the XML.  

As far as the APR libs go your best bet is to build your own, not sure
of what the state of any binaries you might find on the web is, I don't
think that the APR folks endorse any binary distributions of their
releases.  I usually build mine with the same version of Visual Studio
that I'm using for the AMQCPP lib but its never actually seemed to
matter as it is a C library so name mangling issues don't come into
play.  If using the DLLs though you might run into issues with the
runtime library dependency but I'm not sure on that.  I've used my APR
libs built with VS2005 with AMQCPP build done in VS2008 and VS2010.


Tim Bish

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