On Thu, 2010-09-30 at 13:58 -0700, zadeluca wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an application running on Windows XP that is both a producer and
> consumer; it consumes roughly 300 messages/second, processes each one
> individually and produces a response. It crashes at random times (usually
> within 3-5 minutes of starting) with errors such as "access restriction
> while reading/writing." The stack trace is random also, sometimes in
> activemq.dll, sometimes lower where symbols are not available (kernel32.dll,
> ntdll.dll, etc).
> Here is the interesting part: I moved the application from a dual-core
> processor to a single-core, and the error no longer occurs. My application
> does not explicitly use multiple threads. I create a connection factory,
> connection, and 2 sessions, from which I create a producer and consumer
> separately (both using topics). The consumer is set up as an async listener.
> My setup: broker and client connected via OpenWire
> (uri="tcp://")
> Broker - ActiveMQ 5.3.0, running on Linux (Java 1.6.0_17)
> Client - ActiveMQ-CPP 3.2.3, running on Windows XP (Visual Studio 2008
> Express). I discovered the issue while using 3.0.1, but moved up to the
> latest version to see if it still occurred.
> It crashes on 2 different dual-core computers (Core 2 Duo 2.53GHz, 4 GB RAM)
> but runs fine on the single-core computer (Pentium 4 3.0GHz, 2 GB RAM). All
> run Windows XP 32-bit and use Visual Studio 2008 Express.
> Any ideas?
> Thank you for your time,
> Zach

Without a test case to reproduce or some back-traces of the Thread
stacks its hard to even hazard a guess.


Tim Bish

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