this is a known limitation see:

On 8 October 2010 01:32, Casper Kent <> wrote:
> I am having a problem with receiving messages with selector when the queue
> has more than maxPageSize messages.   With 201 messages on the queue
> (default maxPageSize=200) and trying to select the 201st message will fail
> as if the message is not on the queue.  If I get rid of the first message
> (with 200 remaining on the queue),  receive will return with the correct
> message.
> This is running the latest ActiveMQ 5.4.1 with default settings.   If I
> change maxPageSize=500, then the 201st is fine but the 501st message will
> fail.  I also tried changing producerFlowControl to false or
>  maxBrowsePageSize=1000 but it didn't help.  Any ideas of what to try next
> or is it a bug?


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