I think you need a pendngMessageLimitStrategy that sets pending
messages limit to 0 so that the broker does not keep messages past the
prefetch value.
Once a slow consumers prefetch buffer is filled, messages will be
discarded. Reducing the prefetch value (which will effect latency)
could ensure that there is are a limited number of messages that can
be pending on a blocked connection for a slow consumer.

On the cpp side, if the prefetched messages are delayed due to some
sort of connection block (not sure how that happens btw) a low time to
live (or message expiry) should ensure that stale data is not
delivered to your listener or consumer.

On 19 October 2010 17:37, Jim Lloyd <jll...@silvertailsystems.com> wrote:
> We have AMQ client applications in C++ that only use topics, and for which
> latency is more important than guaranteed delivery. If messages were
> persisted in a database for a significant amount of time before they were
> consumed by a slow consumer, that would introduce problems of the same
> magnitude or worse than letting those messages be lost.
> For AMQ to work the way we want, there are two places where messages may
> have to be explicitly dropped: the broker and the activemq-cpp. Ideally the
> broker would be the place were messages are usually dropped, but if for some
> reason the TCP connection begins to block, then the activemq-cpp library
> would need to drop messages. Does the current implementation of activemq-cpp
> do this?
> Can someone please provide a summary of how we should be configuring our
> brokers, and the transport and topic URIs to obtain what we want? We're
> currently using AMQ 5.3.1 but we'll probably upgrade to 5.4 soon so I am
> happy to take recommendations specific to 5.4.
> Thanks,
> Jim Lloyd


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