Dejan : Saw your commits in  
When I publish many messages quickly (either via Ruby/stomp or via ajax), I 
still do not receive all messages in an ajax client.  I have been trying to get 
a Java test case created which reproduces the problem.  I suspect it's an issue 
with continuations, since all the Java tests I write (which are all currently 
passing) are running synchronously.  Still not able to reproduce the issue in a 
single junit test.

org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpClient offers some nice methods for dealing with 
async i/o, which would be useful here.  But i had trouble getting 
session/cookie management using that class.  As you pointed out a while ago, 
org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient has automatic session handling, but 
I'm not finding the same features for handling async requests, which it seems 
like we need to reproduce the current problem.

I'm trying to write a test where
 - Thread 1 starts a subscription & polls for messages
 - Thread 2 publishes a lot of messages while thread 1's poll is active

I think we'll see that not all messages sent by thread 2 are received in thread 


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