Hi Petrucci,

Thread management can be altered through your broker configuration so it's hard 
to answer your questions. You should check 
 first, it explain quite well how threads are managed.

Extra configuration parameters that can change the number of threads are:
- the connector you use: with tcp you have one thread per connection, but if 
you switch to nio then it is no more the case
- if you start your broker with 
"-Dorg.apache.activemq.UseDedicatedTaskRunner=false"then you do not have one 
dispatch thread per queue anymore but a pool of threads instead (see 

Hope my answer help addressing your concern.


On Friday, January 14, 2011 at 13:23 , Petrucci Andreas wrote: 
> hi there, i want to ask how are the threads managed inside the broker as far 
> as producers is concerned. is it a thread per producer? per connection? what 
> if we have a client that has multuple threads of the same producer (same 
> producer id) ?
> thanx in advance,
> Petrucci

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