On Jan 21, 2011, at 11:13 PM, habumaster wrote:

> Going the servlet route.. Your app is running on a main server, not a virtual
> one I am guessing.

I've run this kind of setup successfully on a single machine (OSX), on multiple 
physical servers (Centos5), and on multiple OpenVZ guests (Centos5 host & 

> Mine is virtual and with the apache config you spec'd, I understand it was a
> starting point.
> I have ActiveMQ 5.4.2 running on the same server. Jetty.xml is in the
> activemq.xml file, so Ajax servlet should be there. Using the
> amq_prototype_adapter.js.
> I have a Ruby app on :8080 on that same server that serves up a page. 
> The page calls amq.init with "\amq" onload. Using the ProxyPass etc in
> Apache with web logs set to debug.  
> As my GET goes out to \amq, I see in the apache logs the proxy getting setup
> to from the web client to localhost:8161 then back from 8161 to /amq. There
> is a body send, body end and a release. then the dame thing all over again
> in the apache error_log. I can see the client cycling like mad with multiple
> GETs to /amq. The Firebug log fills up in no time.
> Is this something in particular with the amq.js?
> Did you start at this point as well when you brought your app up with this
> setup?
> Trying to figure out where to go from here.

Having a little trouble following this problem report.  Some more specifics 
would help a lot, I think.

1. Is your Ruby app Rails or something else?  Running via passenger, mongrel, 
or other?
2. What URL do you visit to view your test web page?
3. Post the <script> tags you have in that page, and the JS code you're using 
to configure amq.js.
4. Post the proxy configuration you've got in Apache.
5. Post a few examples of the Apache errors you see.
6. Post a few examples of whatever is filling the Firebug log.  It would be 
great to see a GET for polling, and the response which comes back from ActiveMQ.

Hopefully something in there will help point out what the problem is.


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