Colin Crist <colincrist@...> writes:

> Hi,
> I've added selector support to Hermes, not only on destinations but on 
> the message store too. This means you can search for messages using a 
> filter on the entire store or on messages originating from a particular 
> queue or topic.
> For the message store I have two implementations, one is based on a 
> thing called JAMSEL which is a soon to be released standalone opensource 
> JMS selector and the other implementation uses org.activemq.filter.

Hi Colin,

I am trying to write a custom filter for activemq. I came across the
org.activemq.filter package. I wrote a class that implements the Filter
interface and overrides the matches() method. I am having trouble integrating
this with activemq. Do I need to specify the filter class in the activemq.xml
file? How? What would you recommend? Thank you.


> It *seems* to work OK, I've only done a few simple tests with Tibco EMS 
> as the message factory so far - can anyone confirm that this is good to 
> work with messages created from other JMS providers?
> I think it will be quite nice to be able to use the Hermes GUI or ant 
> tasks to dump messages from a load of queues or topics into a database 
> and then run a selector accross the whole store of messages searching 
> not only for header properties but XPath expressions or MapMessage 
> properties. Of course you'll also be able to replay the messages that 
> match this filter too giving some interestng options.
> Regards,
> Colin.

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