hmm, this may need an enhancement, have a read through this thread:

you may get some more info on the camel user list.

On 23 May 2011 15:43, Brendan Long <> wrote:
> I tried setting the exception listener on the JmsConfiguration bean but
> I still get "Execution of JMS message listener failed, and no
> ErrorHandler has been set."
> On 5/23/2011 5:48 AM, Gary Tully wrote:
>> I wonder about the execution order of the property setters:
>> <property name="configuration" ref="jmsMediaTransferConfig"/>
>> <property name="exceptionListener" ref="exampleExceptionListener"/>
>> the exceptionListener accessor delegates to getConfiguration().set...
>> so if "configuration" is set after the exceptionListener it will override.
>> One way to eliminate this possibility is to set the exceptionListener
>> on your jmsMediaTransferConfig bean.
>> On 20 May 2011 16:34, Brendan Long <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm just wondering if there's any way to get rid of this message:
>>> WARN  org.apache.camel.component.jms.JmsMessageListenerContainer -
>>> Execution of JMS message listener failed, and no ErrorHandler has been set.
>>> I tried setting an error handler on my ActiveMQComponent:
>>> <bean id="exampleExceptionListener" class="com.example.ExceptionListener"/>
>>> <bean id="activemq"
>>> class="org.apache.activemq.camel.component.ActiveMQComponent">
>>>    <property name="configuration" ref="jmsMediaTransferConfig"/>
>>>    <property name="exceptionListener" ref="exampleExceptionListener"/>
>>> </bean>
>>> That didn't seem to have any effect. I also have a LoggingErrorHandler
>>> for the route (with its own annoying stack traces), and I tried an empty
>>> <onException>, but that didn't work either:
>>> <errorHandler id="camelErrorHandler" logName="mediaTransfer"
>>>    type="LoggingErrorHandler" level="WARN"
>>> xmlns="";>
>>> </errorHandler>
>>> <camelContext id="camelContext"
>>> xmlns="";
>>>    errorHandlerRef="camelErrorHandler">
>>>    <endpoint id="source" uri="activemq:queue:thing1"/>
>>>    <endpoint id="destination" uri="file:/invalid/path"/>
>>>    <route>
>>>        <from ref="source"/>
>>>        <transacted/>
>>>        <process ref="aProcessor"/>
>>>        <to ref="destination"/>
>>>        <onException>
>>>            <exception>java.lang.Exception</exception>
>>>            <stop/>
>>>        </onException>
>>>    </route>
>>> </camelContext>
>>> Is there something I'm missing or does this option just not exist?


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