what version and what sort of message rate. So how many messages would
have accumulated?

On 27 May 2011 13:00, Alistair Young <alistair.yo...@uhi.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have a durable topic consumer that was killed by a power outage while 
> consuming messages. It was down for 3 days and when it reconnected, all the 
> remaining messages on the topic had disappeared. It only received messages on 
> the topic after it reconnected. I've since shut it down, waited an hour or so 
> and reconnected it and it gets its messages ok so the producer is sending 
> durable messages and the broker is making sure the consumer gets them. 3 days 
> downtime seems to have caused the broker to remove the consumer's 
> subscription and empty the topic?
> thanks,
> Alistair
> --
> mov eax,1
> mov ebx,0
> int 80h


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