
I have the following setup:
- ActiveMQ 5.3.2
- Pure Master/Slave
- ~800 consumers
- ~320 queues
- ~650 topics

My monitoring shows that the memory usage is going up daily, in 5 days
the heap used went up by 50MB without any changes in consumers, queues
or topics count. I tried to force GC but the memory usage doesn't go
down which is probably caused by a memory leak.

I've attached screenshots of heap profiling done with MAT, the first one
was done on monday, the second today. The biggest difference between the
two days is org.apache.activemq.openwire.OpenWireFormat memory usage.

Can you help me identify the cause and fix this issue ?

Let me know if you need more informations.


Simon-Pierre LeBel [iWeb]
IT Architecture Specialist / Technical Lead
Spécialiste de l'Architecture TI / Leader Technique

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